Saturday, 21 April 2012

Veggies and Flowers and Herbs - Oh My!

Upcoming bedding plant sales in Winnipeg

The time has almost come for us to say goodbye to many of the little seedlings that we've sown, watered, transplanted and 'tucked into bed' for so many weeks now. Our first season of entering the world of 'bedding plants', including the sale of flowers, herbs and vegetable seedlings, we're pretty proud of what we have ready to offer. One of our first sales will be in Winnipeg on Saturday, May 12, as part of the Harvest Moon Local Food Initiative's monthly delivery. It will be easy to order - just go to the [newly re-launched] HMLFI website, click on "Bedding Plants" or our Fresh Roots Farm profile and browse the list to choose what you'll be planting in your garden this year! The website works by pre-payment with credit card in the new system. However, more flowers, herbs and heirloom vegetables will be available at the delivery sites, courtesy of Carissa & Greg DeJong and their seedlings grown at "The Greenhouse at Harvest Moon", which is what it sounds like (proceeds will be going towards the HMS). Note that these products will not be listed online, but available to purchase with cash. If you've never heard of or used the Harvest Moon Local Food Initiative Buying Clubs before, we highly encourage you to check it out - it's simple to go online 1-2 weeks ahead of delivery, choose from a variety of Manitoba-raised meats, grains, honey and vegetables, and simply pick it up at one of four Buying Club sites in Winnipeg (and now one in Starbuck) - see more info here. We will be marketing some of our chickens, and hopefully eggs, vegetables, and even pastured pork this year via this system. All of the food raised by HMLFI producers is done so with a set of standards developed to be safe, healthy and sustainable for you and your families. It's also comprised of a great group of mentors with whom we can gain advice and share knowledge.

CSA Share Due Date Coming Up!
We are very grateful and excited to announce that we have had 33 families sign up for our CSA weekly delivery program, available for people living in and around the communities of Cartwright, Mather, Clearwater, Crystal City and Pilot Mound, MB! We are really looking forward to the growing season (let's be honest, it's already here) and to supply these individuals and families with our vegetables throughout the 16-week season (mid-June to end of September). For more information, see our 'Vegetable' page here. The deadline for CSA registrations are this coming Friday, April 28th, and we still have some spots left - so contact us today!

Monday, 2 April 2012

Facts 'n figures

We wanted to share this table with you, because we think it is astounding to see the vast nutritional difference between organically and conventionally grown vegetables. Empirical data that supports what many have known through their own personal experiences are finally coming to the surface. We can attest to this with the veggies we grow, eat and market. The taste is better and we generally just feel healthier and more alive. Can't wait for those first fresh asparagus, lettuces and spinaches that are right around the corner!

Troy and Michelle